M2Tech hiFace DAC

M2Tech hiFace DACThe M2Tech hiFace DAC is an asynchronous USB 2.0 DAC.

While other competing USB DACs have a maximum resolution of 24/96, the hiFace DAC can play high resolution audio files up to 32/384.

What Hi-Fi? reviewed the hiFace DAC and said:

“How does it sound? Well, to these ears, the answer is ‘fabulous’: the little orange stick delivers a sound with a presence, power and dynamic freedom I’ve only encountered with some very expensive digital hardware, and has the bass grunt and control needed to make any rhythm-section-driven music truly exciting.”

When AudioStream reviewed the hiFace DAC they said:

“What’s most important to note, however, is how musical the M2TECH hiFace DAC sounded. Even against equipment costing well over 100 times more (when you count in the cost of all the cables, the price difference gets even sillier), the hiFace DAC held its own….

… M2TECH has clearly decided to spend its money on technology and implementation rather than fancy packaging. Its hiFace DAC is a game-changing device that delivers such astoundingly good, eminently musical sound for $295 that it could conceivably win over an entire generation of young iWhatever and headphone listeners…

… Beyond its marked sonic superiority to the $249 Audioquest Dragonfly, I don’t know how the M2TECH hiFace DAC compares with the other new, diminutive bargain USB DACs on the market. I only know that you absolutely must hear it to believe how good it is.”

Contact Serious Music for more information and to arrange a demo.

© Wayne Butcher

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