Raidho D-2 speakers with Audia Flight, Bel Canto Design, Jeff Rowland, Sutherland, and Dr. Feikert Analogue electronics
Raidho D-2
Rear view of Raidho D2
Audia Flight CD One M CD player, Bel Cando Design electronics, Dr. Feikert Analogue Firebird turntable, Jeff Rowland Continuum integrated amp, Sutherland Phonblock phone stage, Jeff Rowland Model 625 Stereo power amp
The New York Audio Show 2014 (NYAS2014) was held from Friday 2014-09-26 to Sunday 2014-09-28 in Brooklyn, New York at the New York Marriott at the Brooklyn Bridge.
The show was held on two floors of the hotel and provided equipment demonstrations, topical seminars and a couple booths selling vinyl and CDs.
The Nola Metro Grand Reference Gold was one of the best sounding speakers in the show. The sound displayed an ease and naturalness which few systems at the show could match. It disappeared completely in the room and also produces quantities of deep, powerful, textured bass that completely beggared belief.